…and you’re probably not the only one. I do most of my training at home. It’s been that way for years, ever since I got really interested in training in…
…and you’re probably not the only one. I do most of my training at home. It’s been that way for years, ever since I got really interested in training in…
The live workout for March 24, 2o20 was hosted on Google Meet instead of Zoom and I wasn’t prepared. (Who can blame me right now, amirite?) But that means NO…
I’m convinced there’s a small conspiracy surrounding jumping. When I watch other people jump (on skates or off) there’s a beautiful fluidity to it. The way their body coils up…
Access weeks 0-6 here and weeks 7-18 here. Can you believe that your mini-me is nearly 5 months old? This far out from pregnancy and delivery, you’ve likely started to build…
Get down with the quickness. When I was a newer skater, one of the things that became the utter bane of my existence (after I had managed competence with my…
If there’s one lesson about blocking that I wished I had learned earlier, it would be: YOU BRACE WITH YOUR SHOULDERS, NOT WITH YOUR ARMS. Your arms are made up…
This is part three of series so, hopefully, you know the drill by now: You want to keep pursuing your goals But your training days have felt uninteresting And maybe…
Program hopping is a real goal killer. But sometimes you just feel SO OVER the program you’re following. LOOK. It happens to the best of us. And the trick is…
Now is about the time that you start to see all the “Start Your Summer” and “Build Your Beach Body” programs flooding the interwebs. The reason why these programs exist…
This blog post was originally published in June 2017 to McHale Strength The game is fast and furious. Your blood is pumping, your adrenaline is high, your eyes scanning your…