Humans, by and large, are a pessimistic bunch. Aren’t we? We spend a lot of time thinking and worrying about how things can go wrong. What we’re doing wrong. Why…
Humans, by and large, are a pessimistic bunch. Aren’t we? We spend a lot of time thinking and worrying about how things can go wrong. What we’re doing wrong. Why…
Competitive sports are played mainly on a five-and-a-half inch court, the space between your ears. BOBBY JONES Pushing yourself to do physically difficult things is one way to build up…
Sometimes, you reach that moment in a game where you just can’t push any further. You’ve left everything on the track. You’ve given it your all. And you want to…
In case you missed it, Iron Octopus Fitness has named May #mentaltoughnessmonth. To be fair, this may already exist. It might be in a different month. Who knows? The point…
If you’ve ever watched an episode of CSI, you’re probably familiar with the show’s use of the zoom to highlight some important piece of evidence that is too small to be…
Only in the leap from the lion’s head will he prove his worth. INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade is one of my favorite…
You are crushing it. I mean, you may not literally be crushing it. And you might feel that instead of crushing IT, IT is crushing you. But you’re still crushing…
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Your mind can be a fascinating, and oft-times infuriating, thing. Your mind will convince you that you’re better at something than you…
Yesterday morning I opened up an email. One of the first emails that I get from people when they decide to let me infiltrate their inbox 24/7 contains their biggest…
I’m thoroughly disgusted with my performance. All the skills that I’ve been working so hard on have deserted me in this moment. I’m pissed off that I’m not doing as…