The live workout for March 24, 2o20 was hosted on Google Meet instead of Zoom and I wasn’t prepared. (Who can blame me right now, amirite?) But that means NO VIDEO REPLAY.
Sorry 😬
However, here’s the workout laid out for you to do at your own pace, on your own time. No equipment needed although you can add a light to medium weight to the exercises marked with a *
- 3-4 SETS: 1.5 Squat + Good Morning x 10-15 / Quadruped Taps x 6 per side
- 2-3 SETS: 3-way Lunge* x 8-10 per side / Prone Pulldown x 10-15 / Deadbug (various options shown*) x 10-12 per side
You can access all the exercise videos here:
The name of the game here was VOLUME lots of work in a short amount of time. That’s 20-30 squats per set! 😱😱 Volume is just one of the ways that you can increase intensity with at-home or bodyweight workouts. You can also decrease rest, add more cardio, or increase resistance/difficulty.
Tag me (@ironoctopusfitness on Facebook and Instagram, @ironoctopusfit on Twitter) when you give this one a try. I want to know how you feel after those 3-way lunges.
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